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Auto Accident Lawyer

How long does a car accident settlement take?

Approximately 90% of personal injury cases are handled and resolved in court. The settlement process is usually faster and less expensive than a trial, and it provides victims with an easy way to get compensated. Because of the numerous procedures that must be followed, settling a car accident case can take anywhere from 8 to

Personal Injury

The Top 5 Nursing Home Abuse Signs: Key Indicators

Imagine walking in a garden filled with beautiful flowers only to find one flower wilting, lying unattended under harsh conditions. It’s heartbreaking. Now picture an elderly loved one being that neglected flower, suffering silently in a nursing home.

Shooting Victims

Common Types of Shooting Victims Cases: When to Hire an Attorney

Imagine this: it’s just another regular evening, and you’re in your living room watching the evening news when suddenly, a stray bullet crashes through your window and leaves you injured. It seems like something right out of a Hollywood movie, doesn’t it?

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